I promise you, despite how terrified I look in this picture, I'm actually thrilled to let you all know that I am officially back full-time at program working with at-risk teenagers!!!!!! God has richly blessed me and Emily with so much love and support over the last four months. The whole support-raising process has been new and stretching to us, but we have time and time again seen the hand of God moving.
I still have not reached my full target of support yet, but I you all have sent in enough support that they have allowed me back to Plymouth and to my guys! So, with that, I will still be continuing to raise support as I transition back into working full-time in ministry. If you are still feeling led to give and have not been able to do so, you've not missed the boat. Much like a full-time missionary, my support is on-going, so I even after I do reach my official target, I will always welcome new friends and family who want to support me!
I want to thank you for all of your prayers, emails, meetings, cups of coffee, and encouragement over these few months. I also want to invite you to pray for the hurting teenagers with whom I am now working. Pray that God's Spirit would be moving in them and through me as He draws us to Himself.
Again, thank you so much, and I'm so excited that I'm back full-time!!!